Here is what I'm really looking forward to in 2013!
Become a national board certified teacher!
That's right, I'm going through the process right now. I'm hoping to pass it on my first try so I'm working really hard. Wish me luck!!
Become pregnant with our second child!
I want my little handsome to have a sibling to play with that is close to his age. Also a reason I want to be nationally certified...daycare is so expensive.
Potty train little man!
That's a goal for this summer after he turns 2 in May.
Create amazing science and social studies units!
I already have two uploaded on tpt and two in the works. I want great lessons that I can use again next year, and I want to stop putting these two subjects on the back burner. They are important!
Start a play group!
This one is mainly for the summer. I already have fabulous ideas and I want my little handsome to have lots of friends to play with.
Ok, I have lots more but I guess these are the biggest and most exciting ones.
So school starts back on Wednesday {boo!}. Here is how I'm planning on celebrating New Years with my students.
I plan on reading these two books throughout the day. One during our comprehension read-a-loud and the other during social studies:

Then we will fill out this graphic organizer as a class to get those creative juices flowing.
Next we will fill out our own graphic organizer to attach to our craftivity (below).
You can find this printable here.
Then we will make this adorable craftivity from the lesson plan diva. Find this resource here.
We are also going to count down the new year backwards from 60 using this! I'm hoping to time it at the last minute before the bell rings and have party horns from the dollar store for students to blow!
Happy New Year Everyone!!!