Monday, May 20, 2013

Exciting News!

My dear bloggy friends out there in blogland. Oh how I have neglected you. I have lots of fun things to share with you but first I will start with my exciting news....
On Friday I was named Henderson County's 2013-2014 Teacher of the Year!
The look of pure shock at my principal when I found out!
Still in disbelief with absolutely NO speech prepared!
After the ceremony, my principal and I headed back to school, only to find that the entire school had lined the halls with posters and were all cheering. It was surreal, unbelievable and of course made me swell with tears. Talk about an emotional roller coaster. It was truly a moment I will remember forever! I'm so blessed with so many amazing people in my life...friends, family, coworkers, and all you amazing blogging teachers who inspire me on a daily basis. Feeling beyond blessed!
But let's get back to business. I finally submitted my national board portfolio this month...signed, sealed, delivered (online)...I'M DONE! I also got the test out of the way too. It feel so good to finally be free from spending all of my free time working on it. I'm so excited to be a blogger again.
So, without making this the longest post in the world I want to share something real quick.
Here are some inspirational candy tags that I made for our 3-5th graders who are taking their End of Grade tests this week. We had a special pep rally for them and each K-2 student wrote a letter to a 3-5 student encouraging them to do well on their test. Along with it we passed out blow pops and these tags:
To get your free copy click on the picture or click here!
You could use this with any test.The kids loved it.
I highly recommend having a pep rally with your school to get kids excited and motivated about taking the test. Ours was awesome. I also made a music video with all of the staff at my school. It is a song that I rewrote to "Party in the USA"...except I call it "EOG Test Day". If I can figure out how to upload it, I will post soon!
Thanks for hanging in there with me! Blogging is finally a top priority now that boards are over. Haleluiah, amen!!!


  1. Oh my gosh Meghan!!!
    I am jumping up and down for you!!!
    Totally excited and thrilled to hear about your Teacher of the Year!
    Stop over for a quick visit...I am going to brag about you tonight!
    Many hugs,

  2. Start your scrapbook now, it will be a year of many great memories! Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations! That is wonderful news!

  4. How exciting! Congratulations on such a special honor! Enjoy every minute of it! Good luck with your National Boards. I'm trying to get my nerve up to do it myself!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  5. Congratulations! That is so exciting! Happy to be your newest follower!

    Table Talk with C & C
