Thursday, May 23, 2013

Motivating Our Students...{with a little teacher music video}!

That's right...its a teacher music video...made by yours truly and performed by all the amazing teachers at my school.This year I was lucky enough to be in charge of  a pep rally to motivate our test taking students. The idea behind it was we wanted K-2 students to be a part of the major testing that was getting ready to occur at our school. So I had the idea of making a motivational video to play right before the pep rally.

With a little help from my hubby writing the lyrics to Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA", I grabbed the school video camera and stalked all the teachers at my school during their planning. I am so blessed to work in a school with such fun people, because everyone was on board! With this project, I finally learned how to use Windows Movie Maker and recorded the song through a program called Audacity. It took about 2 weeks of diligent work, and it was so worth it! The kids loved seeing their teachers on video acting silly, and it was so great seeing all of us work together for our students.

I think I am going to start this as an annual tradition at our school.Will I make improvements to next year's video? You Bet! Like for one, I won't use my voice...I love to dance, but singing is not my strong suit. I took one for the team this year, but next year when I write another song, I'm getting someone else to sing it!

Let me know what you think and if you have suggestions for me for next year.

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