Sunday, March 24, 2013

Colorful Classroom

Want to know how to safely hang stuff from your ceiling? Read on and your classroom can look like this:

There is no safe way to hang child work and fun decorations from the ceiling of your classroom...according to your local fire marshall. Each year we try, each year we are busted. So sadly year to year I have restrained from this fun and happy classroom look. That is until this weekend. I recently bought Reagan's Rainbow Namebow and was determined to hang these adorable acrostic poems. So I headed to Walmart and bought fishing wire and command hooks, and called in the hubs for help.



I have 21 students so I decided to make three lines going the length of my classroom. I put each command hook as close to the ceiling as possible and I tied a loop in one end and hooked it, stretched the wire across the room and pulled the wire to my desired tension. Be careful not to make it too loose because the wire will droop when you add student work...I only used a slight droop in mine. Then I made another loop and put it on the other hook and voila, it was ready. Super easy and super affordable! Now I can add student work all throughout the year to make my classroom cute, bright, and cheerful...without worrying about breaking the rules for fire safety codes.

Have a great week! One more until it's spring break for me!


  1. They look great! I can't reach my ceilings (even if I stand on a desk) so I am jealous!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. I love peeking into your classroom! Love the Rainbows!
    I use the Ceiling Clips that come in a 10 pack for like 8 bucks at the Really Good Stuff. Here's the link:

    HUGS my dear sweet friend,
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  3. They look terrific!!! Thank you so much for the shout out!
