Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back to School Gift for Students {Freebie}

Check out my back to school gift for the kiddies!

Its no secret that at this time of year I am not only broke but running short on time. I checked pintrest the other day for back to school gifts for kids and found some adorable ideas (including a little pencil made from rolos and a hershey kiss), but none of them were easy, quick and cheap enough for me. So I made one up myself. I bought a pack of 24 bubbles from Target for $4.00...

and created these little labels!

I was going to tie with a cute ribbon but taping it to the front was way faster, easier and in my opinion just as cute!

Click here for your copy of the bubble labels. Let me know what you think!

I'm currently working on more back to school/meet the teacher cuteness and ideas so check back in a few days!! Love to everyone!



  1. What a super cute idea!! I love it! Thanks for the labels! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I am your newest follower! I have nominated you for an award. Stop by my blog to pick it up!

  3. What a fabulous idea! Can't wait to share it with my firsties! Your blog is so cute! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award so stop by anytime to visit and grab your award!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  4. Very cute idea! I am running out of time quickly as well! Love your new blog, I have become your newest follower. I am a new blogger myself, I teach first grade, and I am a neighbor from the Palmetto State. Stop by and visit my new blog!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  5. Adorable. Love your blog.I am your newest follower.


  6. I love this idea! I can't wait to give my kiddos this gift next week! Could you possibly make it in a couple of different colors?

    Thank you!

    1. I'd be happy to! Do you want me to make a page multicolored that would match the bubbles or do you have a specific color that you would like? For example...all red. Let me know and I'll whip something up!

    2. Ok, just added multicolor option. Go check it out. Let me know if this was helpful!

  7. Thank you so much! Adorable and so easy! Thank you!

  8. What a creative, gracious teacher you are. What an inspiration!

  9. Awesome thank you ! Handy and very quick and cute :)

  10. What a cute idea! But after trying to download the labels I am getting a message that the page can't be reached. Can you please help? I would love to use the labels for the EOY gifts. Thank you so much in advance.

  11. Hi there! We would love a version that says, "We've been bubbling with excitement to see you!" Is that possible? If so, are you willing to email a pdf to I would sure appreciate that! They are great!
