Monday, July 23, 2012

My First Blog Hop {such a newbie!}

This is my very first experience with a linky party. I've been wanting to do one ever since I started the blog but I just couldn't find the right one as my very first one. {just in case I messed up you know}. Then I ran across this one and its designed for newbies, like me. So if I somehow mess up we can all blame it on the fact that I am a bloggy baby! Janis over at Grade Three is the Place for Me had the idea. Yay! Here I go.

1.What state are you in?
I teach in the mountains of North Carolina in a town very close to Asheville. Have you heard of it?

2. Your current teaching position.
I teach first grade. Love. It.

3. Your teaching experience.
I have taught for 6 years. My first year was in 2nd, the next three years I taught 3rd {love third graders!}, and the past two years I have been in first.

4.When you started blogging.
I started this blog in June of this year {2012}. I bet you can tell because I only have a few posts. I'm trying hard to keep each post meaningful, useful, and creative!

5. Share a blogging tip.
Before I became a blogger and not just a blogging stalker I always looked at and bookmarked teaching blogs who gave out lots of freebies and saved the really good stuff {the stuff that took hours to think of , compile, and complete} for tpt. I respect the bloggers who are so willing to share as much as sell in their stores.

Here's a picture of me with my little handsome. He just turned 1 not long ago and he is the center of my universe!

I can't wait to meet all of you. Thanks to everyone for making me a better teacher!



  1. Welcome to blogging! I am a 1st grade teacher too and your blog's newest follower. I agree that blogging has made me a better teacher. I would love for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

  2. Hi...I am your newest follower. I have nominated you for an award. Please "hop" over to my blog and pick it up.

  3. Your first linky went off without a hitch! Great post today :) Your little man was a great ending too . . . I WANT ONE!!!! Hehehehe :)

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  4. I love your blog name, so cute! I've heard of Asheville. My parents took me to see Biltmore Mansion when I was in high shcool and I fell in love with the place. I really want to take my kiddos there someday. I'm a new follower!

    I'd love for you to buzz by sometime=)
    The Busy Busy Hive

  5. I have heard of Asheville. I took my very first plane ride and a teenager there to visit an Aunt and we visited the Biltmore Mansion too. There was a little shop there many years ago called The Cricket Nest that my Aunt loved. I love your blog design. It is so whimsical and fun. I awarded you a blog award. Come on by to pick it up.

  6. Love your blog!! Found your blog through the blog hop. I am nominating your blog for an award. Stop by my blog to pick it up.
    Ms. Jones’ Junction

  7. I am a new follower and have also nominated you for an award! I am very new to blogging but it has been so fun and encouraging! Have a fabulous weekend!

  8. Hi Meghan,

    I found your blog thru your post on TPT. I also teach first grade, so it's fun to find another first grade teacher and blog. I'm looking forward to reading about your ideas and experiences. I'm your newest follower.

    First Grade Schoolhouse

  9. Hi, Meghan!
    I love the name of your blog! I've nominated you for an award. Visit my blog to pick it up. :)


  10. I've nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Please hop on over to pick it up First Grade and Fearless

  11. I also just started blogging. It is such a fun adventure! I am your newest follower. Please stop over and join my blog!

  12. I found you through the blog hop and nominated you for an award. Stop on over to pick it up:)
    The Common Core Classroom

  13. This is super cute! I found your blog through another blog. Your blog design looks nice. We are your newest follower. Come check us out sometime. Stephanie

  14. Welcome to blogging Meghan! We were stalkers as well and decided to start our own back in March and it was the best thing we ever did. It's reignited a spark for teaching and we get so many fun ideas and such support from this sisterhood!
    ps Your lil guy is just precious-enjoy every itty bitty moment because it goes by way too fast!
    ~Christy & Tammy (moms to 10 year olds now :(

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