Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Meet the Teacher

The countdown begins to the start of school and this year I am going to be ready! Here's what I've been working on for meet the teacher. Usually I make a big packet of stuff to send home when students come in for meet the teacher. Since our school is working so hard on conserving paper, I've changed it up a bit. This is what students will have waiting for them on their desks when they come in:

  • "I've been bubbling with excitement to meet you" gift {click here to get it}
  • Magic Confetti to use the night before the first day to help get rid of those jitters {click here to get it}. The bags I used are from Michaels in the baking section. I think they are lollipop bags...real cheap! For a more detailed explanation click here.
  • Welcome to First Grade cover sheet with important first day tips {see below for a closer look}
  • Student Information Sheet for parents to fill out that day. {click here to get it}
The rest of my papers and info sheets including the ABC's of First Grade, What Your Child will be Learning in First Grade, Classroom Management, Homework, Our Schedule, Parent Volunteer Sheet, etc will either go home in their BEE Book {update 8-4-13...link was wrong, check back in a few days and I'll have everything fixed and BEE book for you to print!} or will be posted on my classroom website.

Here is a closer look at my Welcome to First Grade Sheet. Keep in mind it isn't complete because I don't know our specials schedule yet!

Check back in tomorrow to see how creative my first grade team is with compostion books. There may be some free labels too!

I would love to know what cute ideas you have for Meet the Teacher!

Love to all!


  1. Wow great job! I love the bubbles. I haven't thought about the first day yet. I keep putting it off and I really need to get started. I think I'm going to do the whole jitter juice and read the book. Thanks for your ideas!

    I'm having a Giveaway!
    The Busy Busy Hive

  2. Would you still happen to have these printables available? The link to the BEE book isn't going to anything in particular! I would love the Welcome to First Grade if you are willing to share!!

  3. I also would like to know if you have these printables still available? I would like to edit to use with 3rd grade.
