Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Recycling Labels {Freebie}

Does your school recycle??? Ours does and I'm so thankful that we do. Of course teaching Earth Day and all about trees, animals, insects, etc gives me a major soft heart about the planet.

I have two bins in my classroom for recycling but I never had them labeled so we just guessed what each one was for after it was collected each week. The summer is a great time to complete all of those little things that you never have time for so I have labels for them. And I figured if I wanted labels for my bins, surely someone else would want them too!

I have several different ones that I made to fit your recycling needs. I am also putting them on my bins at home because I am the recycling queen at our house. It's nice because our county lets you mix plastic, glass, and aluminum all together and I guess they sort it out at the recycling center. This may be applicable to you to so I included everything. You can print in color or print on colored cardstock. Just make sure you laminate for durability!

Click on any of the pictures to download. Hope these can help ya!


  1. Super cute! For some reason, I am unable to download from Google Docs. I am getting a message - Not Found Error 404. Am I the only one?!?

    1. Oops! I forgot to make this a public link. Just fixed it and you should be able to download. Let me know if it still doesn't work!


  2. Those signs are too cute! I nominated you for an award! Visit my blog to check it out!!

  3. Hi Meghan,
    I teach first grade in NC also! I am in the piedmont (Lexington, NC). I just found your blog and I am your newest follower.

  4. Thanks for sharing these! I saw that you teach in NC.. I live in NC, too! I just graduated from Appalachian State and will be teaching 2nd grade in Davie County (near Winston Salem. I love finding other teacher bloggers in North Carolina! I hope you are enjoying your summer! I can't wait to read more on your blog!

    That's So Second Grade

  5. I found you on the blog hop. I'm your newest follower. If you get a chance visit my blog "Calling Plays in 2nd Grade".

  6. Love these! Last year our school theme was growing up green! Our school is huge on recycling. These will be perfect for my classroom!
    I nominated your blog for an award...come on by and check it out! :)
    Blessings of Teaching

  7. Thank you for sharing these. They are great Meghan! I am a new follower to your adorable blog. I would love for you to hop over and visit my 1st grade blog when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart

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