Saturday, July 6, 2013

My New Blog Makeover with a Freebie

What do you think of my blog makeover? I think I'm in love! It's so bright and colorful and every time I look at it, it makes me so happy. Tessa from Tales of a Blog Designer was amazing to work with. I had no idea how hard this process can be. She has so much patience and just overall rocks.

Be sure to click on the "About Me" link at the top. I just filled it in with lots of pictures and facts about me. Let's get to know each other! I'm also working on a Facebook page too! So many exciting new changes and adventures.

It's normally about this time during the summer when I start thinking about how I am going to organize my year. With common core I definitely want to use more integration than I did last year so I think that I am going to start with my science and social studies units. From there I will plan on how I can integrate literature, writing, art, technology, music... along with it.  So to help me out I made this little graphic organizer to jot my ideas down. It's yours if you want it. Just click on the pictures to download. Happy 4th of July weekend friends!!

pssst... If you are an NC 1st grade teacher and want to know what I come up with, I'll post when I get it figured out. Wish me luck!

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