Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What You Can Do with an Overhead Projector

It's the summer! And I don't know about you but I love to do home projects while I have all this extra time. Throughout the year our house gets a little neglected as the list of to do's gets longer and longer. As I have been working on my house I wanted to share with you what my husband and I have done using an overhead projector, and give you some ideas about what you can do with an overhead projector.

It is no mystery that I am not an artist. I can barely draw a straight line and I definitely cannot cut one. Sad, just sad. But with the use of my overhead projector, I was able to create this mural for my baby boy's nursery.

And this for our living room.

forgive me for the horrible quality of this picture!

No decals, all freehand paint.

For the Nemo nursery I bought a coloring book and made transparencies from pages that I liked. Then we used the overhead to project it on the wall and trace the outline. Next we headed to Michaels and bought some small acrylic paints in the colors that we needed and created our mural.

I did the same thing for the tree. Except I found the tree online. Easy, inexpensive and fun.

 I researched some ways to use an overhead in your classroom too. First of all you could paint a fun mural in your classroom if your school will let you. But here are some other fun ideas:

Use this fun idea with the book, Who Will See their Shadows this Year?

Love the student silhouettes.

A great way for students to practice drawing their shapes.

How do you use your overhead? I would love more great ideas. Also, have you painted anything using an overhead? Send me a link if you have!

1 comment:

  1. What a cool post & you are so creative & talented! So happy to have found your cute blog & be your newest follower :)

    First Grade Fairytales
