Monday, July 29, 2013

Science/Social Studies Unit Outline

A few weeks ago I shared a template to help make a unit outline for science and social studies standards....or really whatever you want to make a unit outline for. Well today I met with my first grade team...the first time all summer...and we talked for FOREVER. (yay!) One of the many things we discussed is our new schedule for the year (it always changes doesn't it?) and I shared this little unit outline for science and SS this year. They agreed so I'm ready to share it with you.

The red is the Unit to correlate with our standards in science and social studies and the blue are the holidays because those are also in our curriculum and lets be honest...we gotta stick in those fun learning crafts and activities that are so much fun to do with holidays somewhere. I'm still working on making all of my science and social studies activities available for you but here are the ones that I use to teach for Constitution Day and History.  Click here and here to check them out! By the end of the summer I should have my Rocks and Minerals unit ready with Civics and Governance close behind.
Here is a rough draft of our schedule this year: (just in case it might help you make yours)
8:20-8:40 Calendar
8:40-9:15 Phonics (Letterland)
9:15-10:00 Comprehension & Writing
10:00-10:10 Snack
10:10-11:00 Specials
11:00-12:00 Daily Five Literacy &Reading Intervention
12:00-12:10 Class bathroom break, prep for lunch
12:10-1:15 Lunch and Recess
1:15-2:15 Math
2:15-2:55 Science/ Social Studies
2:55 Dismissal
Only 4 more weeks until school starts for us. I'll be back to post everything that I'm doing to prepare. So much work to do! We just got our keys back today so it's go time!!!


  1. Hi Meghan! We're going to be using Letterland this year too! We have been looking for other bloggers/teachers out there with experience using the program. We've had no luck! Has your school just adopted it or have you used it before? I guess NC seems to be the big place for Letterland...our whole district is adopting it for 1st grade (K began it last year). If you've used it, we love to hear your thoughts. If not, maybe we can chat during the school year about how it is going in the classroom!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

    1. Hi girls! I'm so excited that your district has adopted Letterland! You will absolutely LOVE it! It can be a bit overwhelming at first but the routines are the same each week so you will have it down in no time. I wrote two posts about some things I do with Letter land. I linked every first grade list to a spelling city website and I found a way to organize all of my materials. On my side bar under more ideas about...just click on the Letterland link. I haven't posted about it a lot because I haven't found a lot of other bloggers using the program, but your right, I think that NC is really starting to jump on board with the program. This will be my third year using it so I will definitely post more about it. I made a really cute pocket chart out of a tri fold poster board to hold all of my letter land character cards and that has been amazing. I will take pics and post about it soon because it has saved my life time wise. The lessons sometimes take a while esp on day 1 and 2 so having the cards organized and accessible is a must. Please ask me any questions that you have!
